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GRAYSCALE Palette Collection                                    

Name         │ Visual           │ dE2000 │ Download             
GRAYSCALE 2  │ 100.00HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 3  │ 36.49HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 4  │ 25.34HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 5  │ 18.54HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 6  │ 14.98HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 7  │ 12.36HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 8  │ 10.65HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 9  │ 9.25HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 10 │ 8.22HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 11 │ 7.39HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 12 │ 6.72HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 13 │ 6.15HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 14 │ 5.67HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 15 │ 5.21HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x
GRAYSCALE 16 │ 4.82HEX PAL PNG-1x-8x-32x


The GRAYSCALE palettes  have the highest possible perceived dif-
ference property in the sRGB color space for the number of grays
they represent.  In this regard,  these palettes are superior to
commonly used linear grayscales which  might interest  designers
and artists.                                                    

The palettes contain increasing number of gray colors from black
to white inclusive.  The intermediate colors are evaluated using
an industry standard method to maximize the perceived difference
of the palettes.                                                

In addition,  custom palettes for any two edge grays can be made
with a close to optimal result using the provided  function plot
and formula.                                                    


The above grayscale palettes are the products of an intermediate
state of my colorblind friendly palette generation project named
as CVD. I was not satisfied with the available palettes. Being a
deuteranop myself, I did not wanted to make anyone getting hand-
icapped only because  of an uncommon color vision.  Despite this
project took more time than was planned, I am satisfied with the

As there are some few people with true colorblind vision who see
the world really in grayscale,  the bottleneck of any colorblind
friendly palette is its grayscale difference value. This lead to
the birth of the GRAYSCALE palettes.                            

For valuing I picked the Delta-E 2000 (dE2000) method, which has
became the industry standard  formula to use.  It is recommended
for all calculations except textiles which still use dE-CMC.    

As for certain kind of products (videogames, diagrams, etc.) the
perceived difference of the  different objects is usually impor-
tant, I really hope that the GRAYSCALE and CVD palette sets will
be used by some people.                                         

As I mentioned above,  the basis of any  color vision deficiency
friendly palette is the  difference value of its grayscale coun-
terpart. At least if you also care about people with achromatop-
sia as I do.                                                    

I found that for effective differentiation the dE2000 value must
be 10 or more. You can make your own judgement by looking at the
GRAYSCALE palettes and their Delta E values.  However, please be
aware that adjacency  helps differentiation. I recommend  you to
test your differentiation ability  in various spatial setups and
light conditions.                                               

My point is that one should  not trust a palette being tagged as
colorblind friendly if it contains more than 8 colors.          


In order to determine the palette with highest perceived differ-
ence, I have to be able to assign a value to any given grayscale
palette which represents that.  Once I have this, I can pick the
palette with the highest value from the candidates.             

I used  Delta E 2000 (dE2000)  for perceived difference measure-
ment. As this value can be calculated on the CIELAB color space,
in the first step all sRGB colors  of the palette are  converted
to L*a*b*. Second, dE2000 values are determined for all possible
color pairs.  For N number of colors,  the number of  P pairs is
P = N * (N-1) / 2, thus the cardinality grows quadratically. The
dE2000 value of the palette is the array of the increasingly or-
dered dE2000 values of the color pairs. Example for GRAYSCALE 4:

                   Color 1 │ Color 2 │ dE2000                   
                   #989898 │ #FFFFFF │  25.34                   
                   #585858 │ #989898 │  25.44                   
                   #000000 │ #585858 │  25.54                   
                   #585858 │ #FFFFFF │  49.18                   
                   #000000 │ #989898 │  49.45                   
                   #000000 │ #FFFFFF │ 100.00                   

The next problem  is to overcome the cardinality  of the palette
candidates.  For N number of colors,  the number of C candidates
is the  N-2 combination of 256-2=254 elements.  Note that 2 edge
elements are fixed, black and white, hence the substraction. For
16 colors  there would be 37054233830964389244975 palette candi-
dates which is unmanageable.                                    

Hence a solver was made.  First it determines the guess palette.
For low number of colors I used the linear function Y = round(X)
where X = {255*n/(N-1))}, n = {0,…,N-1}.  However,  for higher N
number of colors this is too inaccurate which  again results too
high count of candidates,  thus it got replaced with the 5th or-
der polynomial  regression function which  was fitted on the re-
sult of the previous level.  Curve fitting was done only for the
intermediate colors as black and white are fixed on the bounds. 

For example for GRAYSCALE 4 the linear function results the fol-
lowing guess palette:                                           

                #000000 #555555 #AAAAAA #FFFFFF                 

However,  for this demonstration I rather start with the initial
palette of the final polynomial function I got after curve  fit-
ting of GRAYSCALE 16 results:                                   

 Y =   9.01889824926381081760    + 0.82592783724614506785X   +  
     + 0.00418862809152376355X^2 - 0.00005902279731056096X^3 +  
     + 0.00000027548158813178X^4 - 0.00000000039293428346X^5    

Plot 1. Fitted curve on GRAYSCALE 16

Note that Plot 1  is 1:1 scale and its origin is on its top left
so you can translate from X to Y by using it out of the box. Its
initial guess is:                                               

                #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF                 

       Palette Candidate               │ dE2000                 
       #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF │ 24.42, 24.86, …        
Second,  the solver extends the range of intermediate colors to-
wards both directions:                                          

                        #555555 #9A9A9A                         
                #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF                 
                        #575757 #9C9C9C                         

The first round of  palette candidates are result the  cartesian
product of  the above sets.  They are evaluated as  shown in the
following table orderd lexicographically by their dE2000 arrays:

       Palette Candidate               │ dE2000                 
       #000000 #575757 #9A9A9A #FFFFFF │ 24.72, 25.20, …        
       #000000 #565656 #9A9A9A #FFFFFF │ 24.72, 24.86, …        
       #000000 #555555 #9A9A9A #FFFFFF │ 24.52, 24.72, …        
       #000000 #575757 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF │ 24.42, 25.20, …        
       #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF │ 24.42, 24.86, …        
       #000000 #555555 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF │ 24.42, 24.52, …        
       #000000 #575757 #9C9C9C #FFFFFF │ 24.11, 25.20, …        
       #000000 #565656 #9C9C9C #FFFFFF │ 24.11, 24.86, …        
       #000000 #555555 #9C9C9C #FFFFFF │ 24.11, 24.52, …        

The process continues until any new palette candidate has better
dE2000 array than the best candidate of the previous step.      

                        #555555 #9A9A9A                         
                #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF                 
                        #575757 #9C9C9C                         

       Palette Candidate               │ dE2000                 
       #000000 #585858 #999999 #FFFFFF │ 25.03, 25.54, …        
       #000000 #575757 #999999 #FFFFFF │ 25.03, 25.20, …        
       #000000 #565656 #999999 #FFFFFF │ 24.86, 25.03, …        
       #000000 #585858 #9A9A9A #FFFFFF │ 24.72, 25.54, …        
       #000000 #555555 #999999 #FFFFFF │ 24.52, 25.03, …        
       #000000 #585858 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF │ 24.42, 25.54, …        
       #000000 #585858 #9C9C9C #FFFFFF │ 24.11, 25.54, …        

25.03 is higher than 24.72, thus the solver goes to round 3:    

                        #555555 #9A9A9A                         
                #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF                 
                        #575757 #9C9C9C                         

       Palette Candidate               │ dE2000                 
       #000000 #585858 #989898 #FFFFFF │ 25.34, 25.44, …        
       #000000 #575757 #989898 #FFFFFF │ 25.20, 25.34, …        
       #000000 #595959 #999999 #FFFFFF │ 25.03, 25.38, …        
       #000000 #595959 #989898 #FFFFFF │ 25.01, 25.34, …        
       #000000 #565656 #989898 #FFFFFF │ 24.86, 25.34, …        
       #000000 #595959 #9A9A9A #FFFFFF │ 24.72, 25.73, …        
       #000000 #555555 #989898 #FFFFFF │ 24.52, 25.34, …        
       #000000 #595959 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF │ 24.42, 25.88, …        
       #000000 #595959 #9C9C9C #FFFFFF │ 24.11, 25.88, …        

Round 4:                                                        

                        #555555 #9A9A9A                         
                #000000 #565656 #9B9B9B #FFFFFF                 
                        #575757 #9C9C9C                         

       Palette Candidate               │ dE2000                 
       #000000 #575757 #979797 #FFFFFF │ 25.20, 25.47, …        
       #000000 #585858 #979797 #FFFFFF │ 25.06, 25.54, …        
       #000000 #565656 #979797 #FFFFFF │ 24.86, 25.64, …        
       #000000 #595959 #979797 #FFFFFF │ 24.64, 25.64, …        
       #000000 #555555 #979797 #FFFFFF │ 24.52, 25.64, …        

As the  highest valued candidate  is inferior to round 3's,  the
process is done and the final palette is:                       

                #000000 #585858 #989898 #FFFFFF                 

You can find the GRAYSCALE and CVD palette projects on GitHub.